Discovered this website last night when I could not sleep, I have not had chance to read it all, but looks interesting. I really like the merchandise, these are my favourites
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Latest card
Just a quick picture of my latest card for my dad's birthday yesterday.
It is using a pattern from Ann's Paperart
We had a very cold and damp day out yesterday on a local children's coach trip. We visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Here area few pictures that Emily took.
It is using a pattern from Ann's Paperart
We had a very cold and damp day out yesterday on a local children's coach trip. We visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Here area few pictures that Emily took.
Finally I have a hijacker in my bedroom!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Meet Vikki
What is your craft?
Sewing, knitting and making cakes
How did you get started and when?
I made my own clothes as a teenager and picked it up again a few years ago when I was given a sewing machine for Christmas. Summer dresses for the girls feature quite strongly. The cakes started when the girls began having birthday parties and it snowballed from there.
About three years ago we decided to make most of the Christmas presents as I got sick of buying plastic rubbish at great expense that no-one really wanted. It’s possible our home-made presents aren’t wanted either but everyone’s been too polite to say so! 2014 is the year of knitting. I acquired the family collection of knitting needles & equipment (to which at least 3 generations have contributed) and have started knitting small animals. Guess what everyone’s getting this Christmas?
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
I’m strictly friends and family, I’m too slow to make money at it
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Choosing what to make and selecting the materials
What is your least favourite part?
Cutting out; I’m not very good at it.
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
I’m quite proud of some of the cakes I’ve made.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
The cakes are on Pinterest,
What is your favourite craft product?
Probably fabric. I’ve just discovered the Urban Mod collection
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Ebay for cake supplies and fabric and Mrs Bobbins in Rothwell for sewing supplies
Personal Details
Name Vikki
Age 41
Location Rothwell
Sewing, knitting and making cakes
How did you get started and when?
I made my own clothes as a teenager and picked it up again a few years ago when I was given a sewing machine for Christmas. Summer dresses for the girls feature quite strongly. The cakes started when the girls began having birthday parties and it snowballed from there.
About three years ago we decided to make most of the Christmas presents as I got sick of buying plastic rubbish at great expense that no-one really wanted. It’s possible our home-made presents aren’t wanted either but everyone’s been too polite to say so! 2014 is the year of knitting. I acquired the family collection of knitting needles & equipment (to which at least 3 generations have contributed) and have started knitting small animals. Guess what everyone’s getting this Christmas?
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
I’m strictly friends and family, I’m too slow to make money at it
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Choosing what to make and selecting the materials
What is your least favourite part?
Cutting out; I’m not very good at it.
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
I’m quite proud of some of the cakes I’ve made.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
The cakes are on Pinterest,
What is your favourite craft product?
Probably fabric. I’ve just discovered the Urban Mod collection
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Ebay for cake supplies and fabric and Mrs Bobbins in Rothwell for sewing supplies
Personal Details
Name Vikki
Age 41
Location Rothwell
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Diagnosis possible
Very positive sounding piece of research from USA. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for this.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Added quite a lot of crafty links to my site this week Crafty Jane's Links, please pop along and check them out. If anyone would like a link, let me know, the ones I have on there at the moment are sites that I use and people I know. There will b e some more links coming and hopefully they will get put in some sort of order so its easier to find what you are looking for.
Other than that I have been laying low. Feeling washed out, fed up and overwhelmed. I have done quite a bit of writing, I may share some of it online when I am up to it.
Many thanks to Gillie Bolton and River Wolton who replied to my emails about therapeutic writing. Gillie has offered to mentor me, but its rather expensive and my illness creates so many expenses I am not sure I can afford or justify it. I did buy Gillies book The Writers Key which is very good. I got the Kindle version as its cheaper, but its not easy to flick back and forth and make notes, especially as I don't fully understand all the functions of the kindle, I just use it to read! River made a very interesting statement
"Both the writing process and the therapy process can be frustrating if there's a desire to have them 'solve' whatever it is we're up against. In my own experience I see it as a continual process of developing and refining the skills to recognise and lay down the weapons - overt and subtle - in the battles with whatever the mind and body are presenting. Writing can be really helpful in uncovering those battles and weaponry, as can the feedback from another person who is objective, encouraging and has our well being at the forefront, partly as a model to help us develop our own wisdom in these areas."
It is very easy to get caught up in it and want to solve everything, but most of the time its not possible to solve the issue, but learn how to cope with it and view it differently.
Other than that I have been laying low. Feeling washed out, fed up and overwhelmed. I have done quite a bit of writing, I may share some of it online when I am up to it.
Many thanks to Gillie Bolton and River Wolton who replied to my emails about therapeutic writing. Gillie has offered to mentor me, but its rather expensive and my illness creates so many expenses I am not sure I can afford or justify it. I did buy Gillies book The Writers Key which is very good. I got the Kindle version as its cheaper, but its not easy to flick back and forth and make notes, especially as I don't fully understand all the functions of the kindle, I just use it to read! River made a very interesting statement
"Both the writing process and the therapy process can be frustrating if there's a desire to have them 'solve' whatever it is we're up against. In my own experience I see it as a continual process of developing and refining the skills to recognise and lay down the weapons - overt and subtle - in the battles with whatever the mind and body are presenting. Writing can be really helpful in uncovering those battles and weaponry, as can the feedback from another person who is objective, encouraging and has our well being at the forefront, partly as a model to help us develop our own wisdom in these areas."
It is very easy to get caught up in it and want to solve everything, but most of the time its not possible to solve the issue, but learn how to cope with it and view it differently.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
New Zealand Study
This is what we have been trying to tell people, looks like they are beginning to understand in New Zealand, but its still not the right sort of illness to be taken seriously.
I am having big issues today, and am punishing myself for feeling so bad, its torture.
This is what we have been trying to tell people, looks like they are beginning to understand in New Zealand, but its still not the right sort of illness to be taken seriously.
I am having big issues today, and am punishing myself for feeling so bad, its torture.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Dark clouds and Sunshine
No its not the British weather I am talking about its me. Yesterday was a very dark and gloomy day, I felt like I was under a big black cloud. I did a lot of writing, its all pretty depressing, but got it out of my head and I was able to share it with Rob. I am not sure if I will be able to share it online though. part of me thinks I should, but there is a part of me that is not ready for that yet. There is also the issue of typing it up, I need a secretary!
Today I woke feeling brighter, having some sleep does help, the night before I had none, so it was kind of set to be a worse day. Emily was singing You are my Sunshine, so I joined in. When she went to school I felt inspired to make a sunshine picture for her.
Today I woke feeling brighter, having some sleep does help, the night before I had none, so it was kind of set to be a worse day. Emily was singing You are my Sunshine, so I joined in. When she went to school I felt inspired to make a sunshine picture for her.
I have also finished my Dad's birthday card, but won't post a picture until after his birthday. Its unlikely that he would see it, but don't think its fair for other people to see it before him.
Saw some lovely craft flowers on Bugs and Fishes blog. Lots of different ideas, all with instructions to make. Think that the Felt poppies are my personal favourite.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Disabled parenting
A difficult decision make for anyone with a disability, made more of an issue if the disability can be passed on. A good article from the BBC showing those who have children and those who don't.
Got to share this!
Looks great fun
Would make getting up in the morning a lot easier! Still means climbing the stairs though and that's the hard bit! Wonder what the cat would make of it.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Is it going to be one of those days today?
It feels like everything I touch today is going wrong, I am trying to make card for Emily's teacher and I can't get the photo to print correctly, it looks awful so have had to admit defeat for now as I have not got clue what I am doing! My phone isn't working properly and I managed to trap my hand putting my sewing machine away. Wondering if I am safe to be around today. I am feeling very woolly headed so no idea if its me or the things that I am trying to do that are not working properly. Its probably the payback for spending much of the day at Sherburn in Elmet gala on Saturday, it was a lovely day and we spent a lot of time in the sun, but it also meant I was in my wheelchair for a long time and it was very noisy and bright, which are not ME friendly. I felt ok whilst I was there, but felt terrible yesterday and was not able to take Emily to messy church where they had the theme of Jonah and the whale. Thank you to Rob who stepped in and took her along with friend Pat. I did manage to take her to the park for a while after tea and sat watching her finally crack riding her bike without stabilisers, way to go Em! I took some pictures, but cannot find them on my phone, I am useless with technology, I seem to have photos in several different places, but no sign of the ones I took last night, aggghhhh.
Here is one from earlier in the day, on the footpath near our house.
And one of Timmy sheltering from the heat
The gala we went to was great and we had a nice time in the sun and wandering around the fair and stalls. We managed not to buy too many things, just a jar of chutney from Jan at Carr Houses, she makes the most amazing jams and lemon curd too, I love the apricot and ameretto jam. Got an apron for Emily from Maggy at Cotton Bobbins, she makes great cushions, bags and apron in gorgeous fabric. I have one of the cushions in my bedroom in my new chair that I have got for my birthday, even though its not my birthday yet!
This is another of Maggy's cushions, which I have not bought, but I am into owls at the moment so love this. I have been looking at owl things whilst not feeling up to anything else and posting them on Pinterest, total waste of time really, but keeps me amused when my brain can't do more. Think these are my favourites embossed owl and owls
and a bag
A kit to make a backpack for a child
I need to stop now as feeling sick and shaky and my pain is getting worse, perhaps its time to admit defeat for the day and get some rest before I have to collect Emily, which will come round very quickly. Once my carer has been to wash my hair and I have had something to eat there is only time to rest. I do feel guilty as I have sent Emily to school with a cold, but I know she will be ok, I do feel mean for sending her though, especially when my main reason is that I have not got the energy to have her at home. I also know that once she is with her friends she will feel much better and that school will notify me if she is unwell, but I am sure she will give me a guilt trip once she gets home.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Beginning to look like a quilt!
I finished my last quilt block today, so now begins the piecing together, I think the end is some way off yet. It was an exhausting morning. I was worn out before I went and then spent quite a lot of time cutting, trimming and ironing, the hardest things for me to do, could hardly walk to the car when I left and had to get Rob home to collect Emily from school.
Not much energy for typing, but wanted to put on the pictures from today.
Not much energy for typing, but wanted to put on the pictures from today.
Last block, called snail trail.
Proposed layout
I am not sure what to think about the quilt, everyone elses are much more colour co-ordinated and thought out, mine always look a bit random and not how I envisaged it at the start. Think it would have been more effective with less colour variation, but a bit late now and I am sure it will be ok in the end. There was a new lady in the class who brought in an amazing quilt that would look perfect in my bedroom!! Seeing others peoples work give me loads of ideas, but I really need to use up oddments of fabric rather than buying more. I want to make a pieced cat in blues to use as a picture in my bedroom, I have some great pieces to use. I also want to make a hanging storage for Emily's bedroom, I have the pattern for this one, it will have to be pink of course.
But I think I am getting a bit ahead of myself as there are many months of work to go on the current quilt first and with summer and holidays coming up, I am not sure how many classes I will get to. Next class is June 20th which is the week of my birthday and Rob is away the day before the class, so me getting there hangs in the balance. After that is is 18th July which is Friday before school breaks up for 6 weeks on the Tuesday and close to my holiday then 15th August which is in middle of school holidays and close to another trip we have planned, so quilting is not looking promising :( It may end up being Christmas before I finish, which will be just short of 2 years since I started it!!
I need to find some time to clear my foggy head and get on with the card I am stitching and Emily wants a leaving present for her teacher who leaves on Friday, no pressure then!
Here are some photos from the May Day event in Rothwell last week.
Finally here is my new logo for my website, thanks to Rob for designing it and Lee from Elevatedby for his comments.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Meet Me!
I can't settle to rest today, lots of ideas and issues in my head so thought I would do a meet me page to go with the others I have posted.
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
I don't sell things now as I don't have a lot of time to make things. I stopped making and selling when Emily was born in Feb 2007 and crafting took a back seat. I am trying to get back into things, but its very slow and a struggle to make the things I want for my own use let alone anyone else's. I cannot sell the stitched cards as the patterns are copyrighted. I do occasionally make things for friends and family to give if they have a request. I would like to make and sell a few things to make some money back on the things I buy, but it outs me under too much pressure, but I would consider occasional requests. I think crafting and making has come a long way and I am not able to keep up with the techniques and ever more complicated designs, so don't really feel that there would be much call for my things anyway.
What is your craft?
I like doing all sorts of craft and don't focus on one in particular, I'm sure it would be easier if I just did one thing. The main things I do are card making, quilting, knitting and beading. I am strictly amateur league at them all. I also cross stitch occasionally and like to try out new crafts if I can understand them or get someone to help me. I used to work with children so have an interest in children's crafts, the messier the better as long as I don't have to do the clearing up!!
How did you get started and when?
My grandma and mum taught me to knit when I was at junior school and I knitted from then on. Over the years I learned cross stitch and simple machine sewing. I got into card making just over 10 years ago, mainly to use up bits and bobs that I had around, but it kind of went mad and I started to buy products and make more cards. I set up my website Crafty Jane's to sell the cards and take orders for personalised cards. Well actually my husband set up the website, I am not that technically minded.
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
My website is called Crafty Jane's, not very imaginative really. I have thought of changing it, but as I own the domain name that is still what the URL would be, so not worth changing. My blog is called Crafting with ME a play on words as I have ME/CFS.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Finally finishing something.
What is your least favourite part?
Tidying up and never having enough time or energy.
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
My favourite thing at the moment is the stitched cards I make, using patterns from sites like Stitching Cards, Ann's Papercraft, Form a Lines
I was also very impressed that I managed to make a quilt, there is a mistake in it, but I don't think it's too obvious.
I think this necklace has to be the most impressive thing I have made, but I have never worn it as the ends are sharp so its uncomfortable to wear :(
I have to say I am impressed with the way this necklace turned out and I actually have a picture of me wearing it!
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
My website is Facebook is and Pinterest is
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
I don't sell things now as I don't have a lot of time to make things. I stopped making and selling when Emily was born in Feb 2007 and crafting took a back seat. I am trying to get back into things, but its very slow and a struggle to make the things I want for my own use let alone anyone else's. I cannot sell the stitched cards as the patterns are copyrighted. I do occasionally make things for friends and family to give if they have a request. I would like to make and sell a few things to make some money back on the things I buy, but it outs me under too much pressure, but I would consider occasional requests. I think crafting and making has come a long way and I am not able to keep up with the techniques and ever more complicated designs, so don't really feel that there would be much call for my things anyway.
What is your favourite craft product?
My bone folder for creasing cards and my paper trimmer, could not manage without them. Double sided tape is fantastic.
My bone folder for creasing cards and my paper trimmer, could not manage without them. Double sided tape is fantastic.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
There are so many and I have a huge page of links when it is all uploaded. I think the most impressive place has to be Patchwork Garden in Sheffield
There are so many and I have a huge page of links when it is all uploaded. I think the most impressive place has to be Patchwork Garden in Sheffield
Personal Details
Jane Shaw
Age 42 (nearly 43!!!)
Location Leeds UKQuick update
Rob has had both his hospital appointments this week, he has been discharged from oncology and will just be followed up by endocrinology, with blood tests every year and scans every 2 years. His bloods seem stable and his scans have been the same for the last 3 years, so it all sounds good.
I finished these 2 cards a little while ago, but did not want to post before today as they have birthdays today
I finished these 2 cards a little while ago, but did not want to post before today as they have birthdays today
Cupcake is a pattern from Form a Lines and background used an embossing plate. The owl is a little wooden owl on a disc decorated with spirelli technique, background is an embossed pattern using an embossing plate and the ribbon is vintage owls which I bought in the gift shop at Eureka children's museum in Halifax.
I am working on a card now for my Dad, got a week left before I have to have it finished in time for our visit before his birthday, better get a move on.
Rob has been working on a logo for my Crafty Jane's website.
These are what he has so far
I think I like the second one best. Any comments will be gratefully received, either which you like best or ways in which they can be changed or improved.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Makes my issues seem so trivial
I am sure that many of you will have seen the story of Stephen Sutton in the last few weeks. A 19 year old boy with terminal cancer who has been fundraising for Teenage Cancer Research. Just read that he died in the early hours, so sad and such a waste of a life. It makes me feel ashamed for complaining and struggling. I have just made a donation to Stephen's fund on just giving, the donations are pouring in today and currently stand at almost £3.3m.
RIP Stephen.
RIP Stephen.
Disability talk
This sounds like it could be interesting, Disability talk at Thackray medical museum.

Join critically acclaimed actor and performance artist Mat Fraser for a journey through the history of disability - a history lesson with a difference.
Mat Fraser's intriguing and sometimes challenging live act uses museum objects and their histories through a blend of drama, comedy and cabaret, film and music hall pastiche, to prompt us to question and rethink our own, as well as society's, attitudes towards difference.
6.15pm - drinks reception
7pm - Performance begins
20 minute post show discussion
Performance lasts approximately 75 minutes with no interval.
£5 Concession price for seniors, students, Friends of the Museum and people with disabilities. Free places for companions accompanying people with disabilities.
Booking is essential. Tickets are available to purchase online
BSL interpreted
We are an accessible venue.
- 5 June 2014
Cabinet of Curiosities: How Disability was kept in a box
Join critically acclaimed actor and performance artist Mat Fraser for a journey through the history of disability - a history lesson with a difference.
Mat Fraser's intriguing and sometimes challenging live act uses museum objects and their histories through a blend of drama, comedy and cabaret, film and music hall pastiche, to prompt us to question and rethink our own, as well as society's, attitudes towards difference.
6.15pm - drinks reception
7pm - Performance begins
20 minute post show discussion
Performance lasts approximately 75 minutes with no interval.
£5 Concession price for seniors, students, Friends of the Museum and people with disabilities. Free places for companions accompanying people with disabilities.
Booking is essential. Tickets are available to purchase online
BSL interpreted
We are an accessible venue.
ME Video
I have just seen this video about the affects of ME, it is very good and only takes 3 mins, please take time to view it any of those comments could have been written by me.
Meet Margaret
Thank you Margaret, we love your craft fairs, flower arrangements and plants. Margaret also runs flower arranging classes at Rivers Meet
What is your craft?
I’m not sure it counts as a craft, I’m a gardener, garden designer, florist and craft fair organiser! I have – as they say – a portfolio career!
How did you get started and when?
Well I used to have a proper job as a Client Relationship Director of a multinational translation company. Foolishly I left and got what seemed like a wonderful job at Red Letter Days setting up their new operation in the north….it was a bit of a dream job. But after only 3 months the company went into liquidation, was bought out and was downsized. So of course I was out of a job. I felt I’d had it working for other entrepreneurs and decided I wanted to be my own boss. Gardening was always a passion and so I went off to study garden design, took classes in wedding floristry and off I went. That was 8 yeas ago. If only I’d done it sooner
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
Yes, Ready Planted. Because when I started out I was just looking at gardening and wanted to provide a ready planted garden for those who weren’t confident gardeners themselves.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Making something look fabulous! Whether its flowers for a wedding or a garden makeover nothing is more rewarding than looking at your handiwork and being pleased with it. Apart of course from the client saying how lovely it is too!
What is your least favourite part?
The sheer physical hard graft. Which is why I wish I’d done this sooner. Sometimes a hard day in someone’s garden, even with an assistant is totally knackering. Even a big wedding is remarkably tiring. I think people imagine that a little flower arranging is a rather ladylike affair….I wish…..
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
No. I love every bouquet I make, every border I transform, every seed that germinates…but I’ll send some pictures.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
Yes. Facebook is and I have a wordpress account :
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
Just give me a ring! But I also organise the craft fairs at Rivers Meet Craft Café in Methley so people can find me there and lots of other lovely crafters who come along with all their wares.
What is your favourite craft product?
Buttonholes. I love making buttonholes. They are like little works of art…and I don’t mean one carnation and a bit of fern.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Nature….she is very clever.
Personal Details
Name: Margaret Fiddes
Age: older than my teeth
Location: Knottingley
What is your craft?
I’m not sure it counts as a craft, I’m a gardener, garden designer, florist and craft fair organiser! I have – as they say – a portfolio career!
How did you get started and when?
Well I used to have a proper job as a Client Relationship Director of a multinational translation company. Foolishly I left and got what seemed like a wonderful job at Red Letter Days setting up their new operation in the north….it was a bit of a dream job. But after only 3 months the company went into liquidation, was bought out and was downsized. So of course I was out of a job. I felt I’d had it working for other entrepreneurs and decided I wanted to be my own boss. Gardening was always a passion and so I went off to study garden design, took classes in wedding floristry and off I went. That was 8 yeas ago. If only I’d done it sooner
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
Yes, Ready Planted. Because when I started out I was just looking at gardening and wanted to provide a ready planted garden for those who weren’t confident gardeners themselves.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
Making something look fabulous! Whether its flowers for a wedding or a garden makeover nothing is more rewarding than looking at your handiwork and being pleased with it. Apart of course from the client saying how lovely it is too!
What is your least favourite part?
The sheer physical hard graft. Which is why I wish I’d done this sooner. Sometimes a hard day in someone’s garden, even with an assistant is totally knackering. Even a big wedding is remarkably tiring. I think people imagine that a little flower arranging is a rather ladylike affair….I wish…..
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
No. I love every bouquet I make, every border I transform, every seed that germinates…but I’ll send some pictures.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
Yes. Facebook is and I have a wordpress account :
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
Just give me a ring! But I also organise the craft fairs at Rivers Meet Craft Café in Methley so people can find me there and lots of other lovely crafters who come along with all their wares.
What is your favourite craft product?
Buttonholes. I love making buttonholes. They are like little works of art…and I don’t mean one carnation and a bit of fern.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Nature….she is very clever.
Personal Details
Name: Margaret Fiddes
Age: older than my teeth
Location: Knottingley
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Run Down
Feeling very run down today. My husband is also under the weather so life feels extra hard. We have both been putting a lot of time and effort into the website, so think its time we had a bit of a break, just to pick up a bit.
I have many things I want to write about and add, but my family have to come first. I know I will still spend time sitting in front of computer, its what I do when I am not doing anything else as I can't just sit or relax. I will still be putting things of interest on my Pinterest and Facebook as I come across them.
See you soon
I have many things I want to write about and add, but my family have to come first. I know I will still spend time sitting in front of computer, its what I do when I am not doing anything else as I can't just sit or relax. I will still be putting things of interest on my Pinterest and Facebook as I come across them.
See you soon
Monday, May 12, 2014
ME awareness Day, week or whatever it is.
There have been a few articles and points of interest on facebook today. I will share a few of them with you. In the mind or in the brain? Scientific evidence for central sensitisation in chronic fatigue syndrome a study being carried out in Belgium. Chronic fatigue sufferers push for awareness a campaign in Australia. Action for ME spread the word and awareness. ME matters a community page on facebook. The big sleep for ME a fundraising initiative. An article from the Daily telegraph about a 16 year old who has written to her ME. A New Zealand article about stigma and ME. An article from Malta about lack of support in Britain. There is also an article in the Nursing Times on this subject, but you have to register to read it. It is only a short article, but links to Action for ME campaign Time to Deliver. Articles were published in Sheffield Star and Sheffield Telegraph about a local lady with ME and her experiences.
Final piece from facebook a photo campaign to fundraise called my two sides set up by Clare Stephanie Cartlidge
Here is a poem by Rosalynde Lemarchand
Final piece from facebook a photo campaign to fundraise called my two sides set up by Clare Stephanie Cartlidge
Here is a poem by Rosalynde Lemarchand
Another poem from Sally@blogspot
I don't like to go on about ME I would rather focus on something else in my daily life, but felt today it needs to be highlighted.
Bye, bye Bedazzle
Bedazzle beads who had a shop between Leeds and Bradford and then switched to internet only are closing down completely. Stock on their site is now 75% off. I have just stocked up on a few things, there is not a lot left, I got 12 items for £5 which is quite a lot of beads. Good luck to Lisa and Richard who are off to do other things.
Meet Kelly
What is your craft?
With Love by Kelly Lou is a small business which I run from home by myself. I hand paint and decorate wooden keepsakes and plaques. I make many plaques with popular phrases on but I am also able to custom make pieces to exact specifications.
How did you get started and when?
With Love by Kelly Lou started in January 2013. I had been an ebay power seller for about 4 years, buying and selling on items of lingerie. The business was coming to its natural end and I wanted to be able to carry on working for myself from home. I studied A Level Art at school but had not had the opportunity to express my creativity since leaving sixth form. I studied Social Sciences at University then went on to a couple of office jobs afterwards. I left work in 2004 to have my first child Matthew who was then followed in 2006 by Abigail. I feel that having the opportunity to run my own business doing something I love whilst having flexibility to work around school hours and holidays is a great position to be in.
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
I’m afraid my business name isn’t very imaginative!! It is called With Love by Kelly Lou as I am called Kelly Louise. I suppose it makes it instantly recognisable though. A lot of people shorten it to Kelly Lou.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
There are many lovely moments when you are making items that people have specifically requested. It is fantastic when you have invested a lot of your time and thought into creating a piece for someone and you know that you have got it right and they love it.
What is your least favourite part?
I am lucky enough to be able to say truthfully that I love everything about my craft. I love hand painting the shapes, choosing the right embellishments and seeing it all come together. I also love interacting with my customers who have all been so lovely!
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
At the moment I would have to say my new plaques with 3d script words on and also my popular 8cm wine quote hearts.
Do you have a website or Facebook page? If so what is the URL?
My website is
My Facebook page is
My Twitter profile is @kellycarrotte
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
I sell most of my products via Facebook, Twitter and my website. I have my items stocked in a shop in Northumberland, where I am originally from, a craft shop in Barnsley and a shop in Bradford Market. I also sell my items regularly at craft fairs around Yorkshire, all of which are advertised on my Facebook page.
What is your favourite craft product?
It would have to be buttons. I love getting a new bag of mixed buttons and looking through them to see what is in there and thinking about what I can do with them.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Bailey Wood supply my wooden shapes. They are fantastic quality products and they are constantly expanding their range which gives me new inspiration.
Personal Details
Kelly Louise Carrotte
Age 36
Location Ossett, West Yorkshire
With Love by Kelly Lou is a small business which I run from home by myself. I hand paint and decorate wooden keepsakes and plaques. I make many plaques with popular phrases on but I am also able to custom make pieces to exact specifications.
How did you get started and when?
With Love by Kelly Lou started in January 2013. I had been an ebay power seller for about 4 years, buying and selling on items of lingerie. The business was coming to its natural end and I wanted to be able to carry on working for myself from home. I studied A Level Art at school but had not had the opportunity to express my creativity since leaving sixth form. I studied Social Sciences at University then went on to a couple of office jobs afterwards. I left work in 2004 to have my first child Matthew who was then followed in 2006 by Abigail. I feel that having the opportunity to run my own business doing something I love whilst having flexibility to work around school hours and holidays is a great position to be in.
Do you have a business name? What is it and how did you choose it?
I’m afraid my business name isn’t very imaginative!! It is called With Love by Kelly Lou as I am called Kelly Louise. I suppose it makes it instantly recognisable though. A lot of people shorten it to Kelly Lou.
What is your favourite part of your craft?
There are many lovely moments when you are making items that people have specifically requested. It is fantastic when you have invested a lot of your time and thought into creating a piece for someone and you know that you have got it right and they love it.
What is your least favourite part?
I am lucky enough to be able to say truthfully that I love everything about my craft. I love hand painting the shapes, choosing the right embellishments and seeing it all come together. I also love interacting with my customers who have all been so lovely!
Do you have a favourite thing that you make? Do you have a picture of it?
At the moment I would have to say my new plaques with 3d script words on and also my popular 8cm wine quote hearts.
My website is
My Facebook page is
My Twitter profile is @kellycarrotte
Do you sell your makes? If so, how and where?
I sell most of my products via Facebook, Twitter and my website. I have my items stocked in a shop in Northumberland, where I am originally from, a craft shop in Barnsley and a shop in Bradford Market. I also sell my items regularly at craft fairs around Yorkshire, all of which are advertised on my Facebook page.
What is your favourite craft product?
It would have to be buttons. I love getting a new bag of mixed buttons and looking through them to see what is in there and thinking about what I can do with them.
What is your favourite craft supplier?
Bailey Wood supply my wooden shapes. They are fantastic quality products and they are constantly expanding their range which gives me new inspiration.
Personal Details
Kelly Louise Carrotte
Age 36
Location Ossett, West Yorkshire
ME awareness
Well today is ME awareness day. I am certainly aware of mine, feeling all round rubbish today. I wonder how much people really know about ME and what their perceptions are. it would be interesting to get peoples views. Many years ago I set out to do a research project, I sent out hundreds of questionnaires, but was never well enough to collate and analyse them. Eventually I gave all the information to someone else who was doing a research project, sadly I never heard anything else from them so don't know what became of my work :-( IT would be interesting to make another short questionnaire and post peoples answers, but it will have to wait for another day.
There is an event on facebook today Facebook fundraiser to raise awareness and money. I have done my bit, wonder how many others will.
Its been a hectic weekend and I am much in need of rest now, so will leave you with a few photos from a family photo session we had yesterday with Whitebox
There is an event on facebook today Facebook fundraiser to raise awareness and money. I have done my bit, wonder how many others will.
Its been a hectic weekend and I am much in need of rest now, so will leave you with a few photos from a family photo session we had yesterday with Whitebox
Whitebox photography
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