Monday, May 02, 2016

Undies on the outside

I know I said I wasn't actively fundraising for ME this year, but after a friend did the Undies challenge I decided to give it a go on a wet and miserable Bank Holiday morning, whilst feeling rather rubbish.

To add to the fun I got my daughter, husband and cat to join in.  How do we look?

I'm a Superhero and wearing my undies on the outside to end ME/CFS! I nominate any of my lovely friends who like a bit of fun to do the ‪#‎UndiesChallenge‬ (but no pressure if you don't want to)
HOW DO I DO THE CHALLENGE? (post your photo then copy & paste these instructions)
1. Take a photo or video wearing your undies on the outside
2. Donate $10 to the Open Medicine Foundation's END ME/CFS Project at
3. Share the photo / video on social media using the hashtag #UndiesChallenge 
4. Tag 3 other people.

$10 is £6.81, if paying through paypal it is £7.06, well it is today anyway.

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