Monday, July 01, 2013

Oh dear

My mind is working overtime again! 8-> August 7th is national Playday, I really want to organise an event, but it would be hard work and would make it difficult for me to function for rest of holiday, plus I would need a venue and helpers!  Would love to organise a picnic and play activities for Emily and her friends, but is it doable???  Should I be really thinking about this when I find it hard to play with Emily day to day, mind you I would hope that they would play together and I would not have to do that much, except I would probably have to be a referee 8-|

Whoops Emily just lost a tooth, she was eating an ice lolly, not sure what was blood and what was ice lolly so she had a bit of a panic, but is ok now and has a friend playing.  The friend told her this morning she has just got a kitten called Oscar, Emily came to tell me she has a kitten called Ostrich!!

Hey ho more daydreaming or should I do something more constructive :-?

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